1. Defiant Gouge - Risk of Rain 2 Wiki - Fandom
The Defiant Gouge is a lunar item in Risk of Rain 2. Whenever the holder activates a Shrine or Cleansing Pool, the Defiant Gouge summons enemies (more ...
The Defiant Gouge is a lunar item in Risk of Rain 2. Whenever the holder activates a Shrine or Cleansing Pool, the Defiant Gouge summons enemies (more enemies per stack), much like a Shrine of Combat would. Shrines that can be activated multiple times will spawn enemies for each activation. Defiant Gouges have no effect on Shrines of Combat. Stacking this item will cause the summoned enemies to be more powerful and/or numerous, as though the difficulty were higher. This also means that those ene
2. Item (Risk of Rain 2)
You feel unlucky. Defiant Gouge, Using a Shrine summons enemies (stronger per stack) nearby. Scales over time. Risk of Rain 2.
For the items in Risk of Rain, see Item (Risk of Rain). An item is a collectible that offers a passive bonus to the character, ranging from stat upgrades to proc effects on weapons to enabling special abilities. They are available from various sources throughout the playthrough. There is no limit to how many items the player can hold at once, including duplicates of the same item – such items become stacked and incur more powerful effects than the original. Items have varied rarities, indicated
3. Risk of Rain 2 Defiant Gouge Item - Games Ref
Risk of Rain 2 items. Defiant Gouge item. Defiant Gouge. Using a Shrine summons enemies (stronger per stack) nearby. Scales over time. Category: Lunar. Stack ...
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4. Defiant Gouge - Risk of Rain 2 日本語攻略 Wiki
全ての祭壇が戦いの祭壇と同様の効果を持つことになる。Cleansing Poolを使用した場合も効果を発揮するので注意。 評価数:6 平均評価:5。 星5つ。 6。 星4つ。 星3つ。
全ての祭壇が戦いの祭壇と同様の効果を持つことになる。Cleansing Poolを使用した場合も効果を発揮するので注意。 評価数:6 平均評価:5。 星5つ。 6。 星4つ。 星3つ。 星2つ。 星1つ。 名前: 5段階評価: 1 2 3 4 5本文: 。 評価:5。 -- 名無しのサバイバーさん 2024-09-07 (土) 08:24:44。 評価:5。 -- 名無しのサバイバーさん 2024
5. コメント/Defiant Gouge - Risk of Rain 2 日本語攻略 Wiki
Defiant Gouge。 運の祭壇で外れても発動するため、出てくる度倒していけば基本黒字に -- 2020-08-15 (土) 15:17:44。 名称が『反抗的な丸のこ』に変わった?
Defiant Gouge。 運の祭壇で外れても発動するため、出てくる度倒していけば基本黒字に -- 2020-08-15 (土) 15:17:44。 名称が『反抗的な丸のこ』に変わった? -- 2021-04-11 (日) 12:27:17Defiant Gouge翻訳に突っ込んだらそらそうですわなとしか言えなくなった 逆になんで「大胆な欺瞞」なんて名前になっていたのか・・・大胆な欺瞞を受けてい
6. Artifact Of Void | Thunderstore - The Risk of Rain 2 Mod Database
... Defiant Gouge, Mechurial Rachis Queen's Gland, Genesis Loop, Empathy Cores, Little Diciple. Changelog: 0.0.14 - Deskplant now appears in stacks of 5 - Void ...
Adds a new way to play Risk of Rain
7. ScuzzM0nkey's Risk of Rain 2 Build Planner
Lunar Items · Beads of Fealty · Brittle Crown · Corpsebloom · Defiant Gouge · Egocentrism · Essence of Heresy · Eulogy Zero · Focused Convergence.
Plan your Risk of Rain 2 build! Build planner and item and equipment reference.
8. All items in Risk of Rain 2 - guide - Ensigame
27 dec 2023 · Unlocked from the start. All items in Risk of Rain 2, Defiant Gouge, Using shrines summons enemies, the number of which depends on the time ...
Complete and detailed guide with descriptions of all items and sub-items in Risk of Rain 2 game. Learn the best ways to get, open and unlock all items.
9. And His Revisions Were Electric: Risk of Rain Profile Creation/Feat ...
24 sep 2022 · Defiant Gouge: Petrification from this. I'm not really sure about the exact mechanics or whether or not it's combat applicable. Focused ...
Risk of Rain’s current profiles are, well, mostly nonexistent, and the one we do have is pretty outdated. Since I had this very old CRT laying around, I figured it'd be good to open a general thread to gather feats and scans in order to give the verse the makeover it needs. I'm not super...