New Smash Bros Ideas! « Smash Bros. « Forum « Starmen.Net (2025)

Warning: Challenger Approaching!

There are two characters named Ness and Lucas who have appeared in the Smash Bros. series up until now, and Kumatora is similar to those two. They are all from the same family of PK users.

But don’t be fooled into thinking she is the same just because of the similar specials that she shares with the previous two. In fact, strong is her mastery over her Specials that she has no need to call out her attacks!!!


< Neutral Special Move: PK Freeze >
Like Lucas from the previous Smash Bros., Kumatora knows PK Freeze as well. However…

Image of Kumatora cupping her hands together behind her as a bluish swirl of air surrounds her hands

What!? She’s charging it up!?

Kumatora throws out her hands, Hadouken style, as a swirling ball of freezing air is thrown out

A swirling force of nature shoots out!

The more you charge it, the stronger PK Freeze becomes.

Technical Information: Kumatora’s iteration of PK Freeze operates similar to Lucario’s Aura Sphere in that she is able to throw out multiple small PK Freeze balls (fan name: PK Freeze Alpha) each with a 1/16 chance of freezing the opponent. While she charges her PK Freeze, the area of charging is like a hurtbox. The duration of charge can be canceled by shielding while retaining the same level of charge. When fully charged (aka PK Freeze Omega), the PK Freeze, when landed, has a 100% chance of freezing the opponent and also has an area of effect freezing near the victim so that others may have a 50% chance of freezing as well. A fully charged PK Freeze is able to kill ceiling wise at around 150% damage

< Side Special Move: PK Fire >

Kumatora also decided to give this move her own twist.

Three images of Kumatora shooting out PK Fire in three different angles, one angled 40 degrees upward, straight and 40 degrees downward, while in the air

It shoots out in any angle!

Also an interesting property of Kumatora’s PK Fire…

Kumatora shoots a PK Fire down onto the ground while Mario looks on a few paces away from where the PK Fire landed

Kumatora runs away while Mario gives chase

Kumatora taunts while Mario is engulfed in a fire pillar in the spot where Kumatora shot the PK Fire

It’s a trap!

Technical Information: In an interesting twist, instead of having a static direction by which to shoot out PK Fire, Kumatora is given some measure of control of where she is able to throw her PK Fire. While Kumatora’s PK Fire is thrown farther and earlier than Ness’ or Lucas’, it does around 25% less damage than either two other PK Fire. An added aspect of the PK Fire for Kumatora is that she is able to control some of the stage by placing in a PK Fire ground trap that activates when the hurtboxes of an opponent overlap the hitboxes of the PK Fire ground trap. The trap doesn’t last indefinitely (only 25-30 seconds before a short burst of fire erupts from where it was placed) so Kumatora is going to need to set up another one to gain stage control again.

< Up Special Move: PK Thunder >

Kumatora also decided that she’s gonna have fun with this thing!

For those of you unfamiliar with the last game, or the one before that, or the first one before the last two, remember this well.

Kumatora points her hand up, fingers closed except for her pointer and middle finger in the figure of a gun, while her other hand is at her temples, her eyes closed in concentration

You guide the PK Thunder with the Control Stick…

Kumatora flies in a curved path with electricity surrounding her twirling body and a trail of smoke curving along with her

And hit yourself with it to launch!

Also, the angle you launch at depends upon the position at which the PK Thunder hits you, not what angle you aimed the PK Thunder into.

Remember, you must recover!

Technical Information: Of the three iterations of PK Thunder, Kumatora is the weakest in terms of sheer strength of raw attack power (at least individually). What she gains, however, is much more precise control of the projectile, speed that surpasses Ness’s PK Thunder speed, and a tail that is about 3/2 times longer. In terms of control, it handles very much like Super Sonic in the previous iteration of the game in that you could not only accelerate the PK Thunder, but also even cause it to stop in mid air and reverse course (though this causes the tail to collect in the middle of the PK Thunder ball until it starts moving again). Her PK Jibaku (PKT2 for those who don’t know) is, as well, a weak kill option as it will kill off the opponent starting around 270, from the center of Final Destination. (It, however, does make for a decent damage racker) However, the length of the PK Jibaku is 125 longer than Lucas’, and also allows for Kumatora to control where she is going while she is in PK Jibaku mode, meaning that her recovery course is less predictable than the previous PK Jibaku iterations as well as being a much more viable option as a recovery option as well. She retains invincibility?/super armor? (need to conduct research on this!) during the PK Jibaku, but after that, if the opponent has predicted the Kumatora’s path, then it’s probably a free smash at her expense.

< Down Special Move: PSI Counter>

What’s this? Kumatora decided to specialize in something different. It’s PSI Counter!

Image of Kumatora sticking her arms out in opposite directions as yellow-white-ish hexagons surround her

This special move will absorb three attacks, then produce a blast of PSI in front of Kumatora. The attack strength equals that of the three attacks combined, multiplied by 3.3.

Image of Kumatora absorbing damage from Mario’s Down Smash Attack

Mario used his legs to deliver a kick!

Image of Kumatora releasing a crapload of PSI in front of her


Remember, however, that Kumatora receives 0.5 of the damage for each of the attacks done to her, so be very wary of when to use it. And don’t forget that projectiles aren’t affected by PSI Counter, so watch out for that!

Technical Information: This is an interesting move to consider as it is pretty much a bizarro version of Mr. Game and Watch’s Oil Bucket (With Mother characters, what do you expect?New Smash Bros Ideas! « Smash Bros. « Forum « Starmen.Net (1) ). Projectiles pretty much have the field day with this move as they deal full damage to Kumatora without giving Kumatora anything. Grabs are also a viable option as well as they ignore the PSI Counter and allow for the opponent of Kumatora to pummel, throw, or even potentially grab-release to whatever nasty surprise they have (Marth, from the previous game, as well as Bowser comes to mind T_T’ ). The 0.5 rule just seems dumb as Kumatora has to absorb part of the damage in order to utilize it for her own usage, meaning that this is a move that will contribute to her getting closer to her K.O. percentages. There is lag in absorbing the attack as well, meaning that, perhaps with the exception of the third absorption, Kumatora could very well be very be gambling a stock at higher percentages as the opponent could just grab, pummel, grab-release, then SMAAAASH!!! her away to oblivion. However, those are just some of the quibbling points of the move. The fact that the three damages recieved are multiplied by 3.3 means that she gains a potential devastating K.O. move in her arsenal. Not to mention, this move comes out at Frame 3 after charged up. This is, by far, one of the few moves that could be smartly spammed against an over aggressive player. Defensive players/campy players may be harder to deal with, though, so this move is not without its counters.

< Final Smash 1: Quick-Up >

All right, given that this iteration of Smash has expanded the Final Smash concept by including a"meter mode" as seen in more traditional fighters and the fact that each character has TWO Final Smashes, we are going to discuss, at least from the tourney rules, Kumatora’s Final Smash that is tourney legit. (From what I have read, although all characters have at least one tourney legal Final Smash, other characters have two tourney legal Final Smashes. Kumatora, unfortunately, is not one of those characters >:( ) As such, I will focus on the tourney legal Final Smash and, hopefully when I have more time, I’ll get around to discussing Final Smash 2: PK Ground (>.> <.< . lol…broken Final Smash is broken…)

With the lack of an actual Mother/EarthBound Zero representative Playable Character, I’m somewhat surprised that this move actually came into Kumatora’s set. Regardless of the somewhat jarring reminder of the first, most excellent NES RPG, this move is, to say the least, great. Quick Up allows for Kumatora to cut down on some of the start up and cool down issues and enhance what moves that do not have much of this issue as well. Not to mention, the attacks come out about 1.5 time faster as well as allow for her to pressure shields more safely than before. The best aspect, I believe, however, is the advent of the Smash 64-esque Lag Canceling, which may explain the shield pressuring that occurs. Clearly this move seems to almost defy Tourney rules, right? Well, not quite. For one thing, the trade off for this is that even though Kumatora is quicker to attack and even kill, she is also more quickly dealt with as well. She seems to get almost twice the knockback from an attack, meaning that moves that normally may not kill may actually be able to finish her off even more so…so in a sense, think of this move as kinda like Rock Lee’s Inner Gates move or a bizzaro version of SF:3S Yun’s Jin Super. tl;dr version: you attack faster, can kill faster, but also can be killed faster as well. Also, the time it takes to charge up the meter is at the slower end :/…go figure…still, this Final Smash’s great benefits outweigh its inherent weaknesses, and I think that we could certainly say that the Mother/EarthBound representation in the form of a pretty neat move is certainly great.

I’ll write more about her jabs, tilts, smashs and some combos that one could pull off with Kumatora…man, she is so fun to play with…hee hee hee…

New Smash Bros Ideas! « Smash Bros. « Forum « Starmen.Net (2025)
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