The UM Visa Office is your go-to resource for residence permit extensions, replacing lost or stolen permits, or managing temporary travel abroad. Holding a residence permit for the purpose of studying means that you need to continue to meet certain requirements, such as proving that you have enough funds to cover your living expenses each year and meeting a legal study progress requirement.
Below, you will find guidance on maintaining these requirements, as well as steps to take if your permit is lost or stolen, or if you need to leave the Netherlands temporarily. For any residence permit concerns, the Visa Office is ready to assist you every step of the way.
UM Visa Office
To reach the Visa Office for questions, please send an email to
Application: Visa / legal residence
If you are a prospective student, you can find more about applying for a visa or residence permit on the page: Visa / legal residence.
Extending your residence permit for study
A residence permit for the purpose of studying can be extended if you currently study at Maastricht University (UM) and you wish to continue to study uninterrupted at UM in the same or another study programme beyond the expiration date of your current residence permit. You will receive an automated email from the Visa Office around twelve weeks before your current residence permit expires to guide you through the extension process.
Steps for extension
- Pay the legal fees set by the Dutch government.
- Upload a copy of your passport and current residence permit.
- Fill out the required forms, including an ‘antecedents certificate’.
- Ensure you have a valid municipal registration in the Netherlands.
- Submit new biometric details to Dutch immigration (Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst, IND). The Visa Office will notify you about this step.
Once you complete the steps, it will take about eight to twelve weeks to receive your new residence permit.
Annual proof of sufficient financial means
The residence permit for studying is valid for the entire duration of your study programme. It is Maastricht University’s responsibility to check each year whether you still have sufficient financial means to cover your living expenses. We do this by emailing you a link to a form that you need to complete truthfully. This form will then be checked by the Visa Office.
Study progress requirement
If you arean international student with a residence permit (for the purpose of study), you are required by law to obtain (at least) 50% of the maximum amount of credits per year to keep your residence permit. You need to meet this requirement for each year that you study here. Read more about the study progress requirement.
Loss or theft of your residence permit
Loss or theft in the Netherlands
If the loss/theft of your residence permit happens in the Netherlands, please take the following steps:
- Notify the Dutch police in the city where you live and have them draw up a report of loss/theft that specifically states the residence permit as a lost/stolen item.
- Fill out the form for a lost/stolen residence permit on the IND website. Upload a copy of your passport and the Dutch police report and send it to the correct postal address or submit online. You will also need to pay legal fees for the new permit.
Loss or theft abroad
If the loss/theft of your residence permit happens abroad, please take the following steps:
- Notify the local police and have them draw up a report of loss/theft in English that specifically states the residence permit as a lost/stolen item. If you cannot get a report in English, you will also have to notify the Dutch police upon return in the Netherlands and have them draw up a report as well.
- Contact the nearest Dutch embassy or consulate and inform them of the loss/theft. If necessary, show the police report. You will have to show your passport, apply for a return visa and pay legal fees in order to travel back to the Netherlands.
- Upon return in the Netherlands, follow the procedure above for loss/theft in the Netherlands from step 2 (or from step 1 if the foreign police report is not in English).
It can take up to twelve weeks for the replacement permit to be issued. Dutch Immigration will inform you when the permit is ready for collection.
If you have travel plans before the replacement permit is ready, please make an appointment with the IND online for a return visato be placed in your passport. This visa enables you to travel while you’re waiting for the permit to be issued.
Leaving the Netherlands during your studies
Leaving the Netherlands while you have a valid residence permit for the purpose of studying can sometimes cause problems. In order not to risk losing your residence permit, please send an email before you book your travel to with the following details:
- your student ID number
- country/countries you are traveling to
- return date to the Netherlands
- reason for absence
- if you are travelling abroad as part of your studies (exchange/internship), include the name of the programme and the exact dates you are going to be abroad
Based on the information you provide, the Visa Office will let you know what you need to do.
Termination of your residence permit for study
The IND can terminate your residence permit for the purpose of studying for a number of reasons, for instance if you have:
- de-enrolled as a student
- not achieved insufficient study progress
- not provided the annual proof of sufficient financial means
- de-registered from the Dutch municipal records database (e.g., when moving abroad)
- received a residence permit for a different purpose than study (e.g., for the orientation year or work)
- changed your nationality to one that does not require you to have a residence permit (e.g., Dutch or German)
Orientation year permit after graduation
If you have a valid residence permit for studying when you graduate from a bachelor’s or master’s programme, you may be eligible for a one-year permit to look for a job or gain work experience in the Netherlands. You can apply for this residence permit from within the Netherlands right after you graduate or from abroad within three years. Read more about the orientation year permit on the IND website.