Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (2024)

Apr 4, 2002
Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (1)
I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.

Here's my explanation of why the game owns: it has a double helping of joy. poo poo is just cool. If you open the wrong door in town you meet the most op d&d monster. You gently caress off all over the place and end up going to elemental planes, mystic fortresses, and the motherf*cking underdark. A psychotic wizard cackles at you the whole time and steals your onee-san and you end up blowing his dumb rear end out of the water with literal murder god powers. gently caress yes.

If you want to play a game exactly like baldur's gate 2 but without the joie de vivre, play pillars of eternity. It's new, it's artistically and structurally solid, and it's as boring as a boatload of... well, something really boring. The enemies are samey. The magic system isn't confusing and awesome as gently caress. The entire setting is "a forest". A wizard is cackling at you the whole time and no one cares. It's not a bad game. However it is a perfect example of the qualities that make bg2 great, illustrating them via conspicuous absence.

#¿Apr 13, 2016 01:30
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Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (5)
#¿Jul 26, 2024 12:32
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  • Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (7)
Apr 4, 2002
Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (8)
I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.

Best Giraffe posted:

Like did people not understand that they are supposed to play as wizards or, maybe, a sorcerer?

I don't see how it sez wizard right on front of the class should be obvious.

They weren't the most imba class though there was a monk or warrior prestige class kit that gives you all the numbers on earth and turns you into a ww barb from diablo who can solo da game.

Oh wait I forgot you can multiclass it with wizarding. Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (9)

#¿Apr 13, 2016 02:02
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Apr 4, 2002
Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (13)
I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.

RaySmuckles posted:

i was a bard

i thought it'd be cool

i didn't particularly care for it

Yes it's a terrible misspelling of wizard for one thing. Huge typo don't see how you could have overlooked it.
#¿Apr 13, 2016 02:59
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  • Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (16)
Apr 4, 2002
Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (17)
I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.

enraged_camel posted:

My favorite part is finding a secret door in an inn, thinking "aha! what's this" and before you know it, a demilich is disintegrating your party.

Yeah. It can happen pretty early too and clues you in to the fact that it is loving ON in this game.
#¿Apr 13, 2016 03:45
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  • Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (20)
Apr 4, 2002
Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (21)
I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.


Aerie sucks. How come she sucks she is one of the best
class combos?!?!?

Her numbers are loving garbage and she whinges like a mofo.

#¿Apr 13, 2016 16:04
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  • Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (24)
Apr 4, 2002
Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (25)
I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.

To this day I've never been able to figure out why they castrate a few of the party members by giving them poo poo numbers in primary class stats. If you can't roll a 16 int you have no business trying to wizard and anything under 18 is pushing it really.
#¿Apr 13, 2016 16:17
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  • Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (28)
Apr 4, 2002
Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (29)
I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.

Chomp8645 posted:

I think they intentionally give a lot of the NPCs somewhat substandard stats so that PC can shine more. I mean it would be kind of off putting if every shmuck you recruited had just as much combat potency as the SPAWN OF MURDER.

But yeah they overdo it on some.

I could buy this line of thought if all the possible party members were nuked down to some standard stats level and were mostly power-equivalent (ignoring the fact that the classes aren't balanced regardless), but they're all over the place. Some of them ARE murder gods even on their own (all the jerks basically) and then others aren't even worth taking along. That kind of variety is all well and good. People are different and making your npcs seem unique is cool. Unlsss by doing so you're making some of them practically useless.
#¿Apr 13, 2016 16:36
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  • Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (32)
Apr 4, 2002
Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (33)
I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.

Jastiger posted:

Also bg1 was really good too, and I don't think it gets enough credit.

The thing about bg1 is that you spend the entire game at poo poo d&d levels. IMO the sweet spot in d&d 2.x was between levels 8 ish and 18 ish. Lots of options are available during that range and you're not yet so overpowered that they're all functionally identical (you win).

The low levels are just constricted feeling because you don't have all your cool poo poo yet. At the upper levels you have so much cool poo poo it's either too easy or the monsters the dm or game has to throw at you are so tuff poo poo starts to drag.

BG1 is still great but it just doesn't spend much time in the sweet spot compared to bg2. You spend the game murdering rats and mooks and longing for a +1 sword. Also I love wizards and low levels are loving murder for wizards. Enjoy single digit hitpoints, and a goblin saying something mean hitting for crit damage and 1 hit ko'ing you.

Like I said it still owns, but it just pales in comparison to bg2 and all the cool junk to collect, crazy badguys to maim, and cosmic powers to abuse.

#¿Apr 13, 2016 18:54
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  • Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (36)
Apr 4, 2002
Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (37)
I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.

Jastiger posted:

A fair point and I think this is why BG2 is so popular. It DOES suck having only like 3 spell slots and 8 hit points for a wizard and you have to be mega careful lest a stray sharp air molecule destroy you. BG2 really opened it up for spell casters with a lot of options available to you. BUUUUUUTTT BG1 definitely had that epic feel that you were going from a scrub to powerful and it actually MEANT something. THere were still some bad rear end items you could get that would make you a pretty tough SOB even at level 7 or whatever. That feeling of accomplishment and grand scale was definitely there.

No doubt. It has it's own charm as well, completely independent of how it set up for BG2.


just don't roll a pure wizard, guys

dual-class from fighter at 8-9 or multi-class but always play a wizard who can cast fist in a pinch

Neither one works very well in BG1 iirc. Dual classing means you spend most of the game playing as a worthless class merely for the numbers, and multiclassing keeps you at ridiculously low levels for longer than is needed.

Of course the same strategy owns the poo poo out of BG2.

#¿Apr 13, 2016 20:04
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  • Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (40)
Apr 4, 2002
Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (41)
I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.


and there is so much bomb-rear end loot in BG2 it seems a waste to play a class that needs less than a tenth of it

Yeah, word. I feel the same way playing a pure wizard in skyrim, because the gm robe is pretty much the only item in the game you actually need. And skyrim loot isn't even a tenth as cool as the poo poo you get in BG2.
#¿Apr 13, 2016 20:08
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  • Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (44)
Apr 4, 2002
Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (45)
I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.

Fabricated posted:

god loving speed to anyone hardcore enough to play a wizard on the "real paper rules" ruleset in BG1. Enjoy your 1d4 or 1d6 HP or whatever where a stray goblin booger kills you.

I've done it. I didn't even cheese (all) the hp rolls. I made sure I got 4 to start but I wouldn't reload unless I rolled a 1 on level up. During level 2 I had 6 hp and practically no damage. This is how mages were "balanced". Just a video game though not pen and paper where your level 3 wiz just died and you have to loving roll another because the gods only rez for the rich. Just reload.
#¿Apr 13, 2016 20:17
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  • Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (48)
Apr 4, 2002
Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (49)
I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.

lazorexplosion posted:

People think kensai-wizards or fighter-wizards are the best? INCORRECT. By the time you've done a couple of areas of the first act, anything you could do with a puny weapon is dwarfed by making GBS threads on people with spells. Sorcerers are the one true murder-god choice, and as a bonus they don't have to mess around with a lovely spell book or find scrolls. Yes, I have beaten BG2 on insane difficulty with a solo sorcerer and it's easier that way.

You don't dual kensai with wiz so you can use swords. You do it for the negative 10 million ac, the hit points, the saving throws, and all that poo poo.
#¿Apr 14, 2016 14:30
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  • Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (52)
Apr 4, 2002
Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (53)
I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.

I see where you're coming from and agree to a degree. However the low level enemy variety in forgotten realms isn't nearly as cool as higher level stuff. You feel much less badass killing a bunch of kobolds or wtf ever compared to all the crazy poo poo you run into later. And yeah while many of the low level spells are situationally powerful (even when you only have a few slots for them) they aren't anywhere close to the awesomeness of magic from level 6 up (ok some of them are hahaha). I'll say it again: BG1 is a good game. No, great. It's just that BG2 makes it look like chump adventuring in retrospect. It still owns though, because you can go all the way through and go from zero to not even hero or demigod but more like straight up god.
#¿Apr 14, 2016 15:34
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Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (57)
#¿Jul 26, 2024 12:32
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  • Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (59)
Apr 4, 2002
Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (60)
I alone can see through the media bias.

I'm also stupid on a scale that can only be measured in Reddits.

Schwarzwald posted:

Class kits didn't exist in the first game, so they made Minsc a ranger with the berserk ability to simulate him having the berserker kit.

Then they just kept him as a ranger for the sequel.

Wrong answer. Minsc clearly recieved some kind of head injury in the past. Presumably he just recieved it after choosing his class. It makes perfect sense. He then lost wisdom and became a berserker. It's like that dude from the 1800's who lived through a rail spike going through his skull. Same exact story really.
#¿Apr 17, 2016 16:31
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Why do people like Baldur's Gate 2 so much? (2024)
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